
Award winning photographer Roger Allen has the rare ability to capture just the right moment … it could be on centre court at Wimbledon, at a red carpet event, or in one of the world’s latest trouble spots. Twice he has won British Photographer of the Year.

It is a skill that he brings to all of his photography – from taking inspiring commercial pictures for leading companies, to capturing amazing images of endangered animals.

Every commission is a chance to exercise his creativity, backed up by more than 40 years’ experience in the business.

That insight is invaluable during the planning stage of every assignment: whether it’s advising a client on the best picture opportunity at a publicity event, or discussing the photo logistics of a special occasion.

Roger Allen’s relaxed style and ability to put people at their ease has won him admirers and friends around the world … take a look at his photo galleries.

Photographers say: “You’re only as good as your last picture.” It’s a view that Roger Allen subscribes to and it sets a high standard.


The Galleries section includes a selection of Roger’s work with categories including People, Conflict, Chernobyl, the Greek Crisis, Gold, Iran, Poaching and Animal Welfare.